ASMAC Strives for Diversity and Inclusion 

ASMAC is actively stiving to create communities where members listen and engage in ways that foster and advance systemic, institutional, and interpersonal equity, diversity and inclusion. ASMAC leaders, committees, and workgroups are committed to ensuring that every member of the ASMAC community has a feeling of belonging (inclusion) and experiences fairness (equity) within community forums and events.

We believe that accountability is an essential component and that organizations like ASMAC need to engage actively. ASMAC's commitment to creating safe, inclusive communities is a priority. Any member who encounters discrimination, or harassment within ASMAC’s community is encouraged to report this to organization leadership. Thank you for giving ASMAC the opportunity to resolve diversity, equity, and inclusion issues and for providing us with opportunities to grow and learn with intent and insight.

Cathryn Stratton, CAE
ASMAC Executive Director

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